The European ministers of Foreign Affairs have reached an agreement on extending the sanctions against Russia. There was some uncertainty on the Greek point of view beforehand, but in the end the Greek minister acceded. The government leaders still need to have their say on the agreement. Moldova, meanwhile, is negotiating with Russia about resuming the apple export. And Serbia and Russia want to work together to combat illegal export.
Various countries are interested in establishing a free trade zone with the EEU, the economic union of a number of former Soviet republics, including Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus. Israel is also interested in such an agreement. The negotiations are still running.
At the same time, Belarusian president Lukashenko is threatening to leave the EEU if the agreements within the union aren’t honoured. According to the president, it’s unacceptable for a trade war to arise between members, referring to disagreements between Russia and Belarus on food import and export. According to Lukashenko, the union is purely economic, and that this is also Kazakhstan’s point of view. By saying this, he suggests that Putin wants to use the union for political purposes.