Russia Lowered Apple Imports in January-February 2011

Analysts of Fruit-Inform Project report of the considerable decrease of apple imports in Russia in the first months of 2011.
“Russia lowered apple imports due to price growth being sharper than in the last season, and overall shortage of high-quality apples in Poland and EU”, Andriy Yarmak, Head of Fruit-Inform Project, says. “However, decrease of apple imports was compensated by growth of imports of bananas, oranges, and mandarins which grew by 7%, 26%, and 14% respectively over 2 first months of 2011”, the expert goes on.

As before, Poland is the major supplier of apples to the Russian market. Poland’s share in total apple imports over the first 2 months of 2011 reached 37%. China and Serbia were among top-three major apple suppliers followed by Germany, Moldova, Belgium, and Ukraine.
