Russian Retailers Ready for Further Expansion

In March 2011 Russia’s 90 largest retail chains added 49 shops to the total number, which has grown by 111 since the beginning of the year. Discounter format is still leading in the market, but  hypermarkets are also gathering pace. In Q1 2011 Magnit opened 222 shops, among which 211 discounters and 11 hypermarkets. Enhancement of competition within the branch will contribute to further consolidation, and in the 2nd HY 2011there will be more new shops opened.

At the same time X5 Retail Group is less ambitious and only planning to open 500 discounters, up to 25 supermarkets and 10 hypermarkets. The company is also working on new formats. During January – March X5 opened 80 new discounters and 2 supermarkets.
