According to the research of analytical company”Romir”, Russians’ spending at food and consumer goods increased by 3% in September 2012 compared to August 2012 and returned to the level of April 2012 .
Compared to September of the last year, expenditures increased by 13% in nominal terms, that is twice more than inflation rate.
In August 2012, consumer spending began to go up and the same tendency could be observed in September 2012.
However, it is too early to speak of changing of the situation in the country – October data should be studied to draw some conclusion.
Analysts blame the seasonal surge in consumer activity, which resulted in the prices growth. In September, consumer spending usually grow because of a new school year.
According to some analysts, the Russians become freer from the fear of possible economic crises, and they began to spend more money again despite the fact that, as shown by other polls, a significant part of the population do not have enough money and had to economize on food and cut daily expenses.