Russian Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance Service has complaints against Belarus

Sergey Dankvert, head of the Russian Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance Service (VPSS), proposed Leonid Zaets, minister of agriculture and provisions of Belorussia, to return to earlier opened discussions over the border monitoring. Mr Dankert proposes to jointly monitor supplies of regulated products through the external borders of the Customs Union on the Belorussian side.

Earlier Belorussian ag ministry declared that such control is possible if external borders of the whole Customs Union (located on frontiers of Kazakhstan and Russia) are monitored as well.

Starting from September 2014, VPSS has discovered 248 cases of import of quarantined products to Russia though Belorussia, total weight of which exceeded 5,000 tons.

Rosselkhoznadzor asked Belarus to halt transit shipments destined for Kazakhstan and other countries

On Monday, Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (Rosselkhoznadzor) asked Belarus to halt transit shipments of food products through the territory of Belarus, destined for Kazakhstan and other countries, starting from November 30. The purpose of such measures is to stop supplies of banned products to Russia from the EU, USA, Canada, Australia and Norway. Rosselkhoznadzor suspects that transit shipments through Russia from Belarus to Kazakhstan may partially stay in Russia. Since Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan are in the Customs Union, shipments between these countries do not undergo customs clearance, so there are no accurate estimates of products destined for Kazakhstan that stay in Russia. But the results of random inspection at the border of Belarus and Russia have shown that it is about 20% of all food products.