Alaska: Good Prices for Halibut and Sablefish Harvesters

US – The basic laws of supply and demand are resulting in a nice pay day for Alaska halibut and sablefish harvesters. Prices for both fish are up by more than a dollar a pound compared to the same time last year.

Fresh halibut has been moving smoothly and demand is steady since the fishery opened in early March, said a major Kodiak buyer, where dock prices were reported at $6 a pound for ten to 20 pounders, $6.25 for halibut weighing 20 to 40 pounds, and $6.50 for “40 ups.”

At Homer and in Southeast Alaska, halibut prices have yet to drop below six bucks a pound, said local processors. Dock prices at Homer last week ranged from $6.50 to $7.00 per pound “for very small loads.”

At Southeast, after reaching a high of $6.75 at Easter, halibut prices were $6.60/$6.40 /$6.10 per pound. Processors are reporting “strong halibut catches and lots of nice fish”. The fresh fish is being flown out almost daily from Southeast and distributed in small lots to markets all over the US. Alaska’s total halibut catch this year is close to 16 million pounds.

For sablefish, commonly called black cod, longliners are benefitting from “bare cupboards” and strong demand by buyers in Japan, where the bulk of Alaska’s catch goes. Last year, holdovers in freezers pushed prices down 40% to the $5 to $3 per pound range, depending on fish size.

Black cod is usually priced in five weights, ranging from under three pounds to over seven pounds. At Kodiak the breakout was $6.75 – $5.75 – $5.00 -$4.50 and $4.00. Sablefish prices at Homer were running between $4 and $7 a pound. Southeast processors reported prices at $5.30 to $7 a pound at the docks. Alaska’s sablefish catch this year is about 24 million pounds. Most deliveries are going to Seward, followed by Kodiak and Homer.

Alaska’s Halibut and Black Cod Harvest Season Opens Saturday

Alaska’s wild halibut and black cod (sablefish) harvest season opens Saturday, March 8, 2014 at 12:00 PM local time. Statewide Total Allowable Catch (TAC) limits for Alaska halibut and black cod are set at 16.8 million pounds and 33.6 million pounds respectively. Alaska is home to over 95% of the Pacific halibut and over 70% of the black cod harvested in the United States. Like all species of Alaska seafood, Alaska halibut and black cod are wild and sustainable, as mandated by the Alaska Constitution. Alaska’s science-based fishery management practices are considered a world model.

The International Pacific Halibut Commission (IPHC) is responsible for setting the annual halibut harvest limit based on stock assessments and halibut biology, and the North Pacific Fishery Management Council (NPFMC) makes allocative decisions based on that quota. The Alaska black cod fisheries are both federally and state managed, with the NPFMC reviewing the annual stock assessment and harvest limits for fisheries in federal waters and the State of Alaska managing the fisheries in state waters.

The largest of all flatfish, Alaska halibut is prized for its mild, sweet flavor, firm texture, and spectacular results whether grilled, roasted, sautéed, or poached. Alaska black cod offers a beautiful snow-white fillet, perfect flake, and succulent velvety texture. Along with being excellent roasted, sautéed, and poached, Alaska black cod is ideal for smoking.

US (AK): Proposed 2014 Halibut Catch Down 21 per cent

The recommendations for next year’s halibut catches are down again for all regions in the USA except Southeast Alaska.

Fishery scientists with the International Pacific Halibut Commission have recommended a 2014 coast wide commercial catch total of 24.45 million pounds, a 21% decrease from the 31 million pounds allowed for this year. That includes catches in Alaska, British Columbia and the Pacific Coast states.

In a summation at a meeting in Seattle last week, the IPHC said: “The results of the 2013 stock assessment indicate that the Pacific halibut stock has been declining continuously over much of the last decade as a result of decreasing size-at-age, as well as recruitment strengths that are much smaller than those observed through the 1980s and 1990s.”

Here are the proposed catch limits for Alaska regions in millions of pounds, compared to the totals from 2013 in parentheses: Southeast Alaska (2C) – 4.16 (2.97); Central Gulf (3A) – 9.43 (11.03); Western Gulf (3B) – 2.84 (4.29); Alaska Peninsula (4A) – 0.85 (1.33); Aleutian Islands region (4B) – 0.82 (1.45); Bering Sea (4CDE) 0.64 (1.94).

Final decisions on the catch limits, season start date and regulation changes will be made by the IPHC at its annual meeting, Jan. 13-17 in Seattle. While the Pacific halibut catches have been declining for decade, the value of the fishery has been on a downward trend for the past four years.

Near the end of each year bills are sent out to Alaska longliners who hold shares of the halibut and sablefish (black cod) catches. They are required to pay an annual fee to the federal government to cover the costs for managing and enforcing those fisheries. The fee, which is capped at three percent, is based on dock prices and averaged across the state.

The billings were mailed out in late November to 2,024 fishermen, 90 fewer than last year, according to Troie Zuniga, fee coordinator for NOAA Fisheries in Juneau.

This year the combined halibut and sablefish fisheries paid a fee of 2.8%, which yielded $5 million for coverage costs.

For halibut, the overall dockside value of the 2013 fishery was $105 million, and about $72 million for black cod.

“That’s about $32 million lower than the 2012 value for halibut and $37 million lower for black cod,” Zuniga said, adding that it reflects a fishery value decline of nearly 28 percent over four years.

In terms of fish prices, the average for halibut this year was $5.06 per pound compared to $5.87 last year; for sablefish, an average price of $2.84 per pound is a drop from $4.11 in 2013.

Фестиваль черной трески из Аляски в трех московских ресторанах

12 декабря в Москве начнется Фестиваль черной трески из Аляски, можно будет попробоваить два разных оригинальных сета с черной треской от двух московских шеф поваров.

Черная треска по праву считается Королевой Аляски, ее мясо славится высоким содержанием жирных кислот Омега-3, эта редкая рыба превосходный источник высококачественного белка. Сладковатый, нежный и в то же время чрезвычайно насыщенный вкус аляскинской черной трески можно попробовать в ресторанах Gastronomica Fish и Florentini Coutry Cafe в королевском сете” из трех блюд от от бренд-шефа ресторанного холдинга  “Gastronomica”  Артема Добровольского, в сет входят карпаччо, суп и стейк.

В рыбном ресторане Fish Point c 17 по 31 декабря можно оценить сет из черной трески от шеф повара Ильи Татьянко. В сет входит карпаччо из черной трески, консоме из черной трески с мини-овощами, томленое филе черной трески на подушке их мятого картофеля с вялеными овощами и спаржей.

Фестиваль черной трески проходит при поддержке Института маркетинга морепродуктов Аляски. Больше информации о морепродуктах Аляски на сайтах, 

Alaska Seafood on the Russian market

Interview with Andrew Brown, representative of the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute in Russia and Ukraine

Sfera Magazine


Years ago, Alaska was famous only for its gold mines, now this state is also known for the abundance of fish and seafood, which are exported to many countries around the world. Andrew Brown, a representative of Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute in Russia and Ukraine tells about Alaska Seafood.


Q.: Andrew, what is the main difference between Alaska fish and seafood and products that other countries supply?

A.: First of all, all these products are natural. Alaska fish and seafood grow in the wild. The diet of Alaska fish and seafood does not include artificial feed – that was forbidden by a state law in 1990.

In addition, the habitat of Alaska fish and seafood is thousands of kilometers from ecologically fragile areas, the Alaska water is one of the cleanest in the world.

Another advantage of Alaska seafood is high-quality catch. Alaska fishing industry meets all modern technical specifications. Fish and seafood are frozen almost immediately after the catch. Different species are caught in different seasons; and thanks to freezing, high-quality Alaska fish ans seafood are available to customers around the world all year round.

Alaska fish and seafood are famous for its unique taste, quality and color of the meat. The reason of that is their natural habitat and diet. If you are looking for a product that contains a lot of healthy omega-3 fatty acids, you should consider Alaska fish and seafood. Salmon migrates from a freshwater river to the ocean and then returns back to spawn, this trip may take thousands of kilometers. At the moment of catching the fish is very fit and contains a lot of omega-3 fatty acids.

Finally, Alaska is an ideal system of fisheries management, one of the main goals is to preserve natural resources for future generations. Harvest of fish and seafood here is strictly controlled. For example, in Alaska there is a law on anadromous fish species, according to which, any construction works near salmon streams and rivers must be pre-approved by Alaska Department of Fish and Game.

The system of fisheries in Alaska is well established and has been effectively operating for many years. Fisheries policy, regulations, and fishing quotas are determined by the State Board of Fisheries.


Q.: What is the volume of Alaska seafood export? Which countries are the key importers of Alaska seafood?

A.: In 2012 the total harvest in Alaska was approximately 2.5 million MT of fish and seafood. 51 % of the catch was pollock, 29% – salmon, 1% – black cod. About 40% of the catch was exported. In 2011, exports of fish and seafood from Alaska totaled 1,027,125.9 MT.

Key exports countries Asian countries: China, Japan and Korea. Also, a large amount of fish and seafood is exported to European countries.


A.: What are about volumes of fish and seafood that were exported from Alaska to Russia?

Q.: In 2011, Russia exported 9181 MT of fish and seafood; compared with 2010 an increase of exports was 29%. Mostly, it is Alaska pollock – 5009 MT , mainly in the form of surimi (3851 MT). Import of pollock in Russia is growing – pollock import increased by 172% in 2011 compared to 2010.

Also, green roe from Alaska is exported to Russia (2,026 MT in 2011).

Over the past few years, the consumption of black cod, a very rare fish in the premium segment, has increased. Black cod is primarily sold in HRI sector. From 2010 to 2011, exports of black cod from Alaska grew by 297% (311 MT).


Q.: What products are you actively developing in Russia now?

A.: In Russia, the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute is mainly engaged in the development and promotion of premium fish segment, such as black cod and wild Alaskan salmon. Also, we promote salmon roe made from Alaska raw materials.


Q.: You have mentioned black cod. Tell us about that fish.

A.: Black cod live only in one region of the ocean, in addition, it has a distinctive rich flavor.


A.: What are the channels of the work in Russia?

Q.: Alaska fish is presented in each segment of the Russian fish market: pollock, sold in usual supermarkets, is a fish for a simple family dinner. In many supermarkets you can buy salmon roe, raw materials for which are imported from Alaska. In premium segment supermarkets such as “Azbuka  Vkusa”, ” Globus Gourmet “, ” Gastronom № 1″ in GUM you can buy black cod from Alaska. Also, black cod is on the menu of many restaurants.


Q.: What are the prospects of working with Russia?

A.: Now in Russia we can see a very strong trend for a healthy lifestyle and diet, especially it is seen in big cities. Due to the fact that Alaska fish and seafood grow in the wild in ecologically pure environment and have a lot of healthy benefits, they fit perfectly into the concept of healthy nutrition.

More and more people begin to appreciate wild fish compared to farmed fish, in particular, this concerns salmon. More restaurants introduce black cod in their menu.  And red caviar is also a popular product on the Russian market.

So the prospects for Alaska seafood in the Russian market are quite positive.


Институт маркетинга морепродуктов Аляски на выставке ExpoHoReCa 2013

С 1 по 3 марта 2013 года в Санкт-Петербурге прошла 11-я международная специализированная выставка индустрии гостеприимства “ExpoHoReCa 2013″, в которой уже не в первый раз принимал участие Институт маркетинга морепродуктов Аляски.

В рамках Гастрономического салона “Кулинарный Олимп” были организованы показательные выступления отечественных и зарубежных шеф поваров, в том числе проводились мастер классы по приготовлению блюд из черной трески из Аляски.

Среди приготовленных блюд:

Итальянский томатный суп с черной треской, кубиками помидора и зеленью

Треска, томленая в сметанно-лимонном соусе с листьями салата Мангольд и молодым картофелем

Треска в кляре с морковным пюре и карамелизованными дольками корня сельдерея

Черная треска по-польски с молодым картофелем (на фотографии)

Гости выставки могли не только узнать новые рецепты из черной трески из Аляски, но и узнать больше о ее полезных свойствах и оценить ее необычный и нежный вкус.

Презентация блюд с черной треской на выставке ПИР 2012


26 сентября на выставке ПИР в Москве представители Института Маркетинга Морепродуктов Аляски представили гостям выставки черную треску из Аляски.

Во время мастер класса шеф-повар Севастьян Король, призер чемпионатов России по кулинарии, член Ассоциации итальянских поваров и бренд-шеф различных ресторанов, приготовил очень простое блюдо из аляскинской черной трески с соусом, состоящим из меда, соевого соуса и мисо-пасты. Шеф-повар наполовину выпарил соевый соус, в равных пропорциях смешал  его с мисо-пастой и медом и затем покрыл этим соусом нарезанную на небольшие кусочки черную треску, все это он поставил на 7 минут запекаться, чтобы черная треска покрылась блестящей корочкой.

Несмотря на то, что это блюдо очень легко и просто приготовить – черная треска получается удивительно вкусной. Ведь благодаря тому, что черная треска имеет нежный и в то же время очень насыщенный вкус, ее можно использовать для приготовления разных блюд – от самых простых до изысканных.

На матер классе присутствовало более 50 человек, и после того, как черная треска была готова, все могли продегустировать приготовленное блюдо вместе с бокалом калифорнийского вина.

Фотографии с выставки и мастер класса Вы можете посмотреть на сайте

IV Конгресс рестораторов и отельеров Северо-Запада России

27 июля 2012 года в Санкт-Петербурге пройдет IV Конгресс рестораторов и отельеров Северо-Запада России. Место проведения – отель Sokos Hotel Palace Bridge (Васильевский остров, Биржевой пер., 4).

В Конгрессе принимает участие более 350 руководителей ресторанов и отелей из разных городов России. Тематика Конгресса-2012: “HoReCa: тренды, технологии, инструменты в ресторанном и гостиничном бизнесе”.

В ходе события будут приготовлены блюда из черной трески из Аляски.

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