U.S. dried Cranberries added to USDA school foodservice list

In collaboration with the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service, the U.S. Cranberry Marketing Committee (CMC) and industry representatives announced on friday news from USDA Secretary Thomas J. Vilsack. Effective July 2014, schools will have the option to purchase dried cranberries from the Foods Available List (FAL) as part of the USDA foodservice procurement program. Previously, only cranberry sauce had been available.

FAL is the USDA resource list of commodity food products. The list has been modified extensively in recent years with the goal to improve the nutritional options available to the nation’s school children. As a result of new guidelines, dried fruits, including cranberries, are creditable. Dried fruit credit at twice its volume, providing the equivalent of ½ cup of fruit in school breakfast and lunch for every ¼ cup served.

With a projected record-breaking crop for 2013, the USDA news comes at an auspicious time for a market hungry for new opportunities to promote U.S.-grown cranberries.

Next steps for the cranberry industry will be to engage in outreach efforts to educate and work with school foodservice professionals toward cranberry usage. Said Scott J. Soares, Executive Director, “In addition to being healthy to eat, cranberries are incredibly versatile in cooking applications. In July, we unveiled five foodservice-friendly recipes in our School Lunch Toolkit that were very well received by school foodservice professionals and marked the start of our work to ‘cran’-hance school meals.”


US cranberry growers look for ways to trim surplus

Cranberry growers in the United States are battling steep surpluses and declining prices, along with increased competition from Canadian and overseas producers.

To offset the imbalances, the U.S. Cranberry Marketing Committee, based in Wareham, Mass., is pursuing an “aggressive decision to get very active to create more demand,” according to Scott Soares, the committee’s executive director.

He said the group’s international market development subcommittee is attempting to make inroads in China and Russia, and is conducting investigative work in Brazil and India.

Domestically, the committee is conversing with USDA to generate more federal purchases. USDA’s recent $5 million purchase, while taking 110,00 to 130,000 barrels off the market, falls short of the 500,000 barrels the industry had targeted for the buy.

The United States produced 402,300 tons of cranberries last year, an increase from 385,700 the year previous. Before an expansion that involved replanting and larger bogs to meet anticipated demand that largely did not materialize, the industry produced 327,700 tons in 2007.

Cranberry operations in Wisconsin, which produces the majority of the world’s cranberry crop, have expanded acreage and production in recent years based on demands from Ocean Spray and other processors, which anticipated strong growth in overseas sales of juice and sweetened, dried cranberries. But overseas increases amounted to just 2 percent to 3 percent, while demand in the U.S. market also was bottoming out due to the recession.

U.S. farmers were left with a huge excess of cranberries this fall, after an unanticipated rise in production in Canada. Farmers who don’t belong to the Ocean Spray cooperative have received $22 to $28 per 100 pounds for a fall crop that cost them $25 to $30 per 100 pounds to produce. Some analysts predict those prices could fall to $15 to $18 per 100 pounds if market conditions don’t improve for the 2013 crop.


Мастер-класс “Клюква США. Новый полезный ингредиент для выпечки”

2 октября в 12:30 в рамках выставки «ПИР 2013» состоится кондитерский мастер-класс «Клюква США. Новый полезный ингредиент для выпечки».

Мастер-класс по кексам «Блондинка с клюквой» проведет известный московский кондитер Жамаль Желдошева, радовавшая своими работами гостей ресторанов «Пушкин», GQ, «Твербуль» и «Клюква в сахаре».

Исконно русский продукт — клюква — откроется участниками мастер-класса в новом модном ракурсе. В США клюкву перерабатывают во множество удобных для использования продуктов: сушеная подслащенная, пюре, концентрат, порошок. Столь разнообразные формы переработки позволяют активно использовать эту любимую многими ягоду в кулинарии.

Место проведения: Форум «Пекарня и кондитерская» «Крокус Экспо», павильон No 3, зал No 14 65–66 км МКАД, станция метро «Мякинино»

Мастер-класс организован Комитетом по продвижению клюквы США

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