Key segments of Russian fruit and vegetable business in conference presentations on September 17 in Moscow

The program of the conference “Fruit & Vegetable Business of Russia – 2013” will traditionally include the presentations on all key segments of the Russian fruit and vegetable sector delivered by its leaders.

Russian fruit and vegetable production forecast for the season 2013/14 and price development prospects up to April 2014 will be delivered by Ms. Tetiana Getman, Head of Fruit-Inform.

The subject of the Russian apple market structure changes in the light of the country’s accession to the WTO and expectations from the oncoming season will be covered by the presentation of Mr. Konstantin Shvets, General Director of Fito-Mag.

Mr. Aleskey Krasilnikov, Executive Director of Potato Union of Russia, will present his view of the Russian potato market development as well as key risks connected with the potato business.

The Russian greenhouse sector trends will be included in the presentation of Mrs. Natalya Rogova, General Director of Association of Greenhouses of Russia, who will also speak on the greenhouse business state support system.

The subject of the Russian market for fresh and frozen berries will be covered by the speech of Mr. Aleksandr Samokhvalov, Managing Director of Yagody Karelii, the leading company in the Russian berry market.

This year the conference program will for the first time include the subject of the Russian market for fresh-cut vegetables and leaf vegetables covered by the presentation of Mr. Viktor Semenov, Founder of Belaya Dacha Group of Companies.

Registration of conference participants goes on. For the present, there are more than 50 professionals of the domestic and foreign fruit and vegetable business to have confirmed their participation. Altogether, the conference will be attended by more than 150 delegates from 15-17 countries of the world.

The conference will be held in conjunction with World Food Moscow 2013 Exhibition, Expocentre Fairgrounds, Moscow, September 17.

On September 18, the conference delegates will be able to take part in the business-tour to Belaya Dacha Trading, the company dealing with manufacturing ready-to-eat lettuces and vegetables. Pay your attention that a number of business-tour participants is limited.

Full information about the event (program, participation conditions, advertising and sponsoring opportunities) is available here. To take part in the event, please fill out a registration form.

For more information see

WorldFood Moscow 2013

WorldFood, Moscow, 16-19 September, 2013

22nd International Food & Drinks Exhibition



Over the last 20 years, WorldFood Moscow has grown to become a major meeting place for the food and drinks industry and a vibrant source of productsfor the Russian market. Exhibitors are grouped in nine main sectors, ensuring visitors can easily find products of interest, compare them and talk to their manufacturers.

Each year, more than 50,000 specialists from various countries visit the exhibition. WorldFood Moscow attracts much interest from Russian specialists, including representatives of wholesale and retail companies from 43 cities.

69 countries are represented at the exhibition. International producers account for over 40% of all exhibitors at WorldFood Moscow. A significant part of the exhibition is taken up by the national pavilions of individual countries.

For more information see

World Food Moscow 2012: Results

The 21st edition of WorldFood Moscow took place on 17-20 September 2012, Expocentre, Moscow and welcomed a record number of exhibitors to Russia’s largest international food and drink exhibition. 1,602 exhibitors from 69 countries participated over the four days to increase their business and learn more about the expanding Russian market.

The 22nd edition of WorldFood Moscow takes place on 16-19 September 2013, Expocentre, Moscow.

See more information at

Бюро по грушам США на World Food Moscow 2012

В сентябре на выставке World Food Moscow 2012 Бюро по грушам США поделится новостями о новом урожае. В этом году в районах штата Вашингтон и Орегон — Веначи, Якима, Мид-Коламбия, Медфорд — сохранялся климатический баланс теплых солнечных дней и прохладных ночей, необходимый для выращивания сочных груш.   

Вот почему урожай летних сортов груш, в сравнении с 2011 годом, превосходит по объему показатели зимних. Больше чем в прошлом году на международном рынке будут представлены груши летних сортов красный и зеленый Бартлетт (4 млн. 421 тыс. бушелей; 1 бушель – это 20-ти килограммовая коробка), но рекорды бьют как всегда Анжу (10 млн. 428 тыс. 100 бушелей) и Боск (2 млн. 935 тыс. 800 бушелей).

За ними следуют Комис, Конкорд и Секел. Все северо-американские груши выращены в экологически чистых районах тихоокеанского побережья. Живописные долины, тени горы Рейнир, река Колумбия и могучая цепь Каскадных Гор помогают садоводам Америки выращивать вкуснейшие груши в мире. По объему поставок груш в более чем тридцать стран мира США занимают почетное 3-е место, а грушевые плантации передаются фермерами из поколения в поколение.

Бюро по грушам США за несколько десятков лет работы накопило достаточный опыт в сфере культивации, хранения и системы сбыта одного из самых полезных фруктов в мире. Начиная с 1931 года, когда было решено создать некоммерческую ассоциацию, задачей которой было продвижение американских груш по всему миру, складывались долгосрочные бизнес-связи с международными партнерами. В итоге, в настоящий момент Бюро по грушам США — это 1700 производителей и 55 компаний-экспортеров. Все коммуникации курирует головной офис компании в Портленде, штат Орегон.

Впервые груши на северо-восточном тихоокеанском побережье Америки появились еще в XVIII веке, когда черенки груш привезли с собой европейские поселенцы. Тогда еще начинающие садоводы не были знакомы с технологиями хранения, и выращенные плоды становились достоянием исключительно родных широт. Теперь, благодаря  правилам хранения,  а вовсе не химическим технологиям, американские груши хранятся долго. При поддержании холодной (1-2˚С при влажности 90-95%), без перепадов, температуры в помещении и отсутствии воды на фруктах, груши способны сохранять первозданную свежесть столько времени, сколько его достаточно для транспортировки фруктов в Россию.

Дополнительную информацию Вы сможете найти на нашем сайте или


Катерина Акуленко (Владивосток)

Ксения Горовая (Санкт-Петербург)

+7 (812) 702-7151



Food Forum. World Food Moscow 2012

17-19 September 2012



The 6th Russian Food Forum is the leading platform for dialogue between the experts representing the food industry, professionals from individual sectors, and representatives of ministries, agencies and international organizations. Experts, business leaders and directors of industry associations will discuss the current situation on the market and give their forecasts for the next six months.

Fish and Seafood
17 September 2012

The Fish and Seafood conference will examine food safety, veterinary inspection, production and processing in Russia, import and export potential for fish seafood, international trade, and the changes in the market caused by Russia’s accession to the WTO.

Fruit & Vegetable Business in Russia in 2012
18 September 2012

At this conference, delegates will be able to get all the information on effective year-round planning for the fruit and vegetable industry. The conference has been developed for producers, traders, and developers of vegetables, fruits, and berries, as well as for service companies working in the industry.

You can find more information about Food Forum here:

Институт маркетинга морепродуктов Аляски: приглашаем на наши стенды на выставках World Food Moscow 2012 и ПИР 2012


World Food Moscow 201217-20 сентября 2012
«Экспоцентр» на Красной Пресне, Москва

Павильон 3, стенд Е217



        ПИР 2012
        25-28 сентября 2012
        Крокус Экспо, Москва,
        Павильон 14, стенд 2G24


Институт Маркетинга Морепродуктов Аляски (Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute) – это партнерство государства и частных рыбопромышленных компаний штата Аляска. Институт играет ключевую роль в продвижении Морепродуктов Аляски и определяет их место на мировом рынке.

В чистых водах Аляски обитают различные виды диких рыб и моллюсков – это и морепродукты премиум-класса, в том числе пять видов рыб семейства лососевых(чавыча, нерка, кижуч, горбуша и кета), белокорый тихоокеанский палтус, черная треска, или угольная рыба, морской гребешок и разные виды крабов(королевский краб, дандженесский краб и снежный краб), там также водится рыба, которая больше подойдет для обычного семейного обеда – треска, минтай и камбала. В зависимости от сезона вся рыба и морепродукты поступают к потребителям в свежем, замороженном, консервированном или копченом виде.

Морепродукты Аляски обитают в исключительно чистой ледяной воде в тысячах километрах от экологически нестабильных зон, они питаются естественной пищей, и кроме того дикие рыбы Аляски идут по своим природным путям миграции из рек в океан и обратно, именно поэтому в них содержится совсем мало жира, их текстура такая плотная, и на вкус они такие нежные. Все морепродукты Аляски не содержат искусственных красителей и ароматизаторов.

Дополнительную информацию об рыбе и морепродуктах штата Аляска можно получить на сайтах и

Мы приглашаем Вас на наши стенды!

 Для организации встреч на выставке World Food Moscow и ПИР обращайтесь:

Тел. +7 (812) 702-7151


World Food Moscow welcomes new pavilions

The Moscow-based event will this year see a number of countries participating for the first time, while others extend their presence

The 21st edition of Russian exhibition World Food Moscow, which takes place on 17-20 September, will welcome a number of first-time national pavilions, according to organiser ITE Group, with Portugal, Finland, Jordan, South Korea, Taiwan, and Brazil all debuting at this year’s event.

In addition, the India Trade Promotion Organisation (ITPO) has reportedly returned to the event, while Iran has significantly increased its presence.

Thailand will be this year’s partner country, with 20 companies present on the pavilion, while the Chilean Fresh Fruit Association will be sponsoring the fruit and vegetable section.

“We are delighted that so many new international groups are joining World Food Moscow this year,” said Tony Higginson, head of sales at ITE Group. “For those wishing to grow their presence in the Russian market, participating at the exhibition enables companies to gauge the demand in the market and gain competitive insights.”


World Food Moscow set for growth

Russia’s leading food and drink exhibition is expected to grow by 18 per cent compared with 2011 World Food Moscow, which takes place in the Russian capital on 17-20 September, anticipates an increasing number of international and local companies looking to show off their products.

Portugal is to set to exhibit at the event for the first time, while India will have its largest presence to date, organizer ITE Group revealed.

The event will also welcome the Chilean Fresh Fruit Association as the sponsor of the fruit and vegetables section of the exhibition.

Tony Higginson, ITE Group’s head of sales, commented: “World Food Moscow is an important route to market for international exhibitors to develop their business in the Russian market. Over four days, companies can directly meet buyers and showcase their products within a business environment. Now in its twenty-first annual edition, the event is well established and is a must attend exhibition for the industry. We are pleased that the event continues to grow as companies realize the importance of participating.”


The Conference “Citrus Market in Russia” will be held at World Food Moscow 2012 for the first time

Exhibitors’ business activity at World Food Moscow is increasing every year. The organizers watch the changes and try to make each participant’s stay at the exhibition as useful as possible. Responding to members and visitors’ needs, show organizers are expanding the themes of Russian Food Forum activities, which is traditionally held during the exhibition.

Conference “Citrus Market in Russia” will be held for the first time this year. It is organized with FruitNews, news agency. The Conference will be held at Expo Center, on September 19.

The main topics of the conference:

• structure of citrus supplies to Russia for the recent years;

• processing costs and pay-off period of that business;

• potential risks of export to Russia,

• scheme of citrus range formation;

• supplier selection;

• pricing.

The largest citrus exporters will come to Moscow to meet with their clients and discuss how this market will develop during the next season.

More information about the conference, participation conditions and the application form can be found here:


Fruit and Vegetable Business in Russia in 2012: will the Predictions Bear Fruit?

ITE company, organizer of World Food Moscow 2012 exhibition, and Fruit-Inform, company which provides information and analysis of CIS fruit and vegetable market, announce that the Fifth International Conference, which is called “Fruit and Vegetable Business in Russia in 2012”, will be held on September 18, 2012.

This conference has already become the traditional meeting place for professionals from different countries, who deal with fruit and vegetable growing, storage, processing and wholesale and retail trade of these products.

The fact that this conference will take place during World Food Moscow 2012, one of the largest food exhibitions in Russia and CIS, allows all participants to derive the maximum benefit from it. During the exhibition, the negotiations with suppliers and customers will be held; and during the conference, all the participants will receive the exclusive market information from the leading experts in this field; and also they will have the opportunity to meet them and discuss all the questions face to face.

This year the conference is especially relevant and important because of two major events: the expected entry of Russia into the WTO and the bankruptcy of JFC company, the largest importer of fruits and vegetables in Russia.

The consequences of Russia’s entry into the WTO may change the geography of fresh vegetables and fruits supply, while bankruptcy of JFC Group may give a unique opportunity to different market operators – both importers and supermarket chains – to increase their market share. Besides, this year the price forecast of Fruit-Inform will be of great interest, as the last year the forecast of collapse of vegetables and potatoes prices and price decrease of apples worked by 100%! Of course, other important topics of Russian fruit and vegetable industry will be covered.

To participate in the conference “Fruit and Vegetable Business in Russia in 2012” it is necessary to fill out an application.

The information about the conference is on the site
